A filter might seem like an insignificant part of a furnace or A/C system, yet good airflow is vital. If your filter is clean, your system works efficiently. If it’s clogged and dirty, your system works harder than it should. That means higher bills and lower air quality.
Some suggest that a little dust is no bad thing, that it can actually improve filtration. That’s not really an accurate reflection of what’s going on.
“Less-efficient filters get more efficient as they load since the pores begin to fill and spaces between the media fibers get smaller, and they start trapping finer dust.” However, this “advantage” is short-lived. The filters continue to clog quickly, and the dust soon dramatically restricts airflow.
The best solution is a proper maintenance schedule. It’s a good idea to keep a log, check your filter regularly, and replace it as recommended by the manufacturer (or if you notice its performance starting to deteriorate).
It’s false economy to try to extend the life of filters beyond their specifications. Any money you might save on the filters themselves is lost on higher energy bills. If anyone in the household has respiratory difficulties, you’re also making things tougher on them.
Filters usually have an aluminum, a steel, or a plastic framework containing a filtering element made of fiberglass, polyester, cotton, or paper. They’re designed to trap particles of dust and dirt that adversely affect the components and performance of your system and have a negative impact on household air quality.
The majority of filters are pleated, offering a large surface area without increasing the exterior dimensions.
Filters can be disposable or washable. Disposable filters are convenient, easy to change, and usually last several months. Washable filters can last years if looked after properly. But they must be cleaned regularly (usually every 30 days) and thoroughly. If not done correctly, there is a danger of spreading bacteria.
Most furnace filters have a front and back. It’s important you fit yours the right way, or airflow will be compromised. Instructions will be provided, so read carefully. Often, there’s also an arrow on the side indicating the correct direction.